How To Become A Mystery Diner
If the thought of someone else paying for your dinner or being paid to eat excites you, this guide is for you. Dinner isn’t cheap. However, did you know that many restaurants pay people to dine at their restaurants undercover ?They do this as part of their efforts to improve their food and overall services.
You could also get a free meal, with no pay in exchange for an honest review. Becoming a mystery diner is, therefore a great way of getting free food, great dining experiences, and/or making some money (if the experience includes getting paid). You’ll also help your sponsor restaurant with a good review, report, or other things they may need in exchange i.e., a social media post.
It’s unlikely you will become a mystery diner when you aren’t giving something in exchange. There are also rules to qualifying. While different restaurants may have different requirements, you’ll need to complete a report in most cases and adhere to some guidelines i.e., what to order.
This “gig” sounds exciting to many, and there’s no shortage of people who would want free dinner in exchange for a report. So, how do you beat all the competition and become a mystery diner? Here’s everything you need to know.
How to Become a Mystery Diner in 5 Steps 1. Research Online
You need to begin by researching widely. Many restaurants have their own in-house teams they can use at a moment’s notice. However, to get authentic feedback, most will outsource to agencies or look for candidates from the general public. As a result, you need to research to find these opportunities.
A simple Google search is all you need to find companies and agencies in your area offering such opportunities. You may need to go past page one of Google and modify your searches accordingly to find unique opportunities that may not be highly competitive.
2. Register
After finding suitable companies or agencies willing to offer mystery dining, the next step is registering to become a mystery diner. Different companies/agencies can have different registration processes. However, most will require you to complete a basic signup process which includes creating a profile and providing some basic personal information such as age, occupation, gender, interests, etc.
You can expect a unique registration task that sets you apart from others. For instance, you can be asked to write something about your favorite restaurant or food for the company/agency in question to assess if you are the best fit. Since competition is usually stiff for mystery diners, it’s important to try and stand out with an authentic application that showcases your suitability.
You’ll need some good writing skills if you are required to complete a sample report of your most recent dining experience. Being detailed and descriptive as possible will make you stand out and increase your likelihood of being picked. It also helps to apply to as many companies as possible to increase your odds of being picked.
3. Follow the Rules to the Letter
You probably don’t want to learn how to become a mystery diner so that you can be hired once. To turn mystery dining into a “thing”, you need to understand how to get repeat work. If you are chosen by a restaurant chain or agency, you can increase your odds of getting picked for multiple restaurants by being consistent.
As mentioned above, there are rules to be followed in secret dining jobs. For instance, you may be restricted to what you can order. To increase your odds of getting multiple jobs from the same client, stick to such rules. You shouldn’t get excited by menu items and order beyond the scope of the job. You should also show up on time and deliver the feedback required.
For instance, purpose to deliver quality reports on time. Most importantly, show up for every dinner you agree to. The initial diner experiences may be subtle. However, if you are consistent, you will likely get better assignments. If you need to preview a report before a dinner, make sure you do so for you to comprehend what is required of you.
4. Blend In
You also need to blend in if you wish to make “secret” dining one of your many “gigs”. The essence of mystery dining is to act like a typical customer would. For this reason, you aren’t supposed to act awkwardly or in ways outside the typical behavior of a restaurant customer.
You may be a bit demanding to the waiters if that’s required of you. However, the staff isn’t supposed to know that you are there to evaluate the experience and report to management. If you don’t blend in, you may get preferential experience which isn’t what a regular customer would get on a regular day.
5. Submit your Complete Report on Time
The feedback report is the most important part of mystery dining from a restaurant owner’s perspective. This is where they get value for their money. However, as a mystery diner, you are more likely to enjoy the free food the most. Nevertheless, you must keep your end of the deal to keep getting such opportunities.
Completing the report on time and as required is crucial. Adhering to the deadline will make you look good to your client. Offering intricate details will also be appreciated as your client will know all they need to know. For instance, describing every part of your experience in detail is a great way of offering value. You can write about your first impression, give detailed feedback on the theme, waiters, food, cost, name it! If you show some passion when describing your experience, you are likely to be picked for another secret dinner or secret shopping experience if you get the job through an agency or company with many restaurant locations.
There you go! How to become a mystery diner is easy if you follow our guide “to the letter”. The first step is researching widely and registering for as many opportunities as possible. Once you get an opportunity, you must deliver to turn the opportunity into a regular job or experience.
25 Websites That Pay You To Shop
Who Is A Mystery Shopper?
A mystery shopper is a person who surveys local shops and earns money. If this sounds too good to be true then, you should try mystery shopping. It’s an incredibly smart way to earn some extra cash just by shopping.
What Does A Mystery Shopper Do?
A mystery shopper registers himself/herself under a company. Now, the company sends the shopper to survey local shops. You may have to eat some food or you may have to purchase some clothes. Then, you take a survey and share your shopping experience minutely. After that, the company pays you.
Is Mystery Shopping Legitimate?
Yes, if you register yourself under a certified company then you will be doing some legitimate surveys. That’s why a good mystery shopping site matters. The below list contains 25 popular mystery shopping sites. Just visit them and start earning easy cash.
25 Websites That Pay You To Shop
1) BestMark
It’s a super popular website with 30 years of experience. You have to be a 21-year-old person to register here. But you have to show excellent writing and communication skills to get approved. You may find there thousands of jobs. So, fill out the form.
2) Bare
Bare is a good company and they have won some awards for being a good mystery shopping site. However, the site allows you to have video calls or phone calls with customers. Just put your demographic information and start earning money.
3) Secret Shopper
This site allows you to work whenever you are available. They have been operating their business since the 90s. As a result, you can trust them. The company gathers data through smart mystery shoppers.
4) About Face
About Face is a good mystery shopping site and they use PayPal to transfer your payments. They have a job board and you have to register there to search for jobs. The company may also send your emails to offer you new jobs.
5) Pinnacle
Some of you may love finances. Pinnacle is a site that enhances sales experiences. So, you can join this site as a mystery shopper, if you like banks or credit cards. The site is over 20 years old. So, you can rely on them.
6) Market Force
It’s an award-winning site for mystery shoppers. To register yourself at Market Force you have to obtain a high school diploma. Moreover, they may want to check your background. This site is connected with many brands. That’s why with them, you would get several types of jobs as a mystery shopper.
7) Quest For Best
Quest For Best may not be a huge company. But they are reputed and they pay a good amount of money for their assignments. Restaurants are their primary fields. But they may send you other assignments too.
8) Amusement Advantage
Amusement parks and the places that offer entertainment are the primary shopping areas on this site. So, as a mystery shopper, you have to visit these places to gather data. Your tickets will be completely free. So, join the site.
9) Above Benchmark
If you are looking for an Australian mystery shopping site, then Above Benchmark should be an ideal one. They pay quickly and they have thousands of shoppers. They have easy and difficult jobs. So, choose the one that you can complete.
10) GBW
Many global brands have improved their customer service experiences through GBW. It’s a reliable site and they are a large company. From banks to fast food chains, they have mystery shopping jobs. Their vetting process is strict. Hence, the application should be filled out smartly.
11) Intelli Shop
This site is a reliable mystery shopping company. You will not only get payments, but you will also get reimbursements after shopping. The site uses PayPal to send you payments. You may have to go through a screening test to get approved.
12) Sinclair Customer Metrics
It’s an old mystery shopping site. The site may not pay you digitally. They use checks for payments and they pay you after some months. This site is a profitable place for mystery shoppers.
13) Shopper’s View
Shopper’s view is full of different types of mystery shopping jobs. You may get reimbursements or they may also pay you fees. However, you have to read every job requirement before shopping.
14) Second To None
It’s a strict mystery shopping site. The site will send you reimbursements if you can shop intelligently. From retail to healthcare, this site has a wide range of shopping tasks.
15) Confero
With a quick set-up process, Confero could be a great mystery shopping site for you. The site primarily gathers data to improve US customer services. So, if you live in the US, then it could be a good mystery shopping site for you.
16) iSecret Shop
This is perhaps the only mystery shopping site that allows you to shop online. They have a marvelous app and you can use that app to become a mystery shopper.
17) ATH Power Consulting
With thousands of mystery shopping jobs, ATH could be a great place for mystery shoppers. They have finance-related mystery shopping jobs. They pay you well. But you may get your payments after some months.
18) A Closer Look
If you are searching for the best mystery shopping site, then A Closer Look might satisfy you. You can stay at hotels and you can enjoy free meals. However, the site gives you only reimbursements.
This site has retail stores, grocery stores, dining places, and agencies on its list. You can sign up here and you can start earning as a mystery shopper.
20) RBG
Reality Based Group (RBG) is a Texas-based company. You can enjoy offline and online mystery shopping through them. They have a strict selection process. So, apply carefully.
21) SeeLevel
SeeLevel has an easy review system. So, you don’t have to struggle to write your shopping reviews. They have a wide range of industries and they also offer bonuses. Hence, it’s an ideal mystery shopping site.
22) Mystery Shoppers America
This is also a good mystery shopping site. They have high-paid jobs and it’s also easy to qualify as a mystery shopper. You can receive your payments if you have a valid PayPal address.
23) Sentry Insights
Some people love to visit restaurants. Sentry Insights is for those restaurant-goers. It may not be a big mystery shopping site. But it could offer you some great opportunities to earn money.
24) Coyle Hospitality
Only lucky people visit luxurious hotels. Well, if you sign up with Coyle Hospitality, you may get a chance to visit hotels. So, this mystery shopping site is for travelers.
25) Call Center QA
It’s a company that pays you to write great call summaries. You may not have to go anywhere and you can earn extra cash only by asking some questions on the phone.
The above mystery shopping sites are reliable and legitimate. Most of these companies are global. Some of these companies offer a free sign up and some may have a strict registration process. But once you are approved, you can earn good money as a mystery shopper.
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